Monday, September 17, 2007

The Passing of an Author

Author James Oliver Rigney Jr aka Robert Jordan passed away this weekend. He is the writer of Conan the Barbarian series and the more well know, Wheel of Time series. He has been battling with Cardiac amyloidosis for several years now, but lost the battle yesterday at 2:45 p.m. I started reading his Wheel of Time series almost 10 years ago now and have been keeping up with them as it comes to an end, but before he could finish writing the final novel, he had to go. All though, there are enough notes and recordings with all of his ideas, plots and such to finish out the last book, A Memory of Light, it will not be the same without him. This reminds me of when Issac Asimov died before completing his Foundation series, all though the last book was released completed by the publishers. I have enjoyed his writings and sad to see him go, he will be missed.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Paper Batteries

Okay, wait a second, paper Batteries? It sounds like something from the TV show Eureka, but no turns out batteries that has the properties of paper is real. Using Carbon Nano tubes embedded into cellulose material (aka paper) you end up with a paper like substance that stores power like a battery, discharges like a capacitor, and can activate with sweat or blood from a human body. Last part sounds kinda gross, but think about it, the chemicals in the human body can be used to activate these batteries so that means, no more harmful chemical batteries in pacemakers, or possible bionic body parts. Kinda cool huh? Thankfully this tech is already patented and they are working on better ways to mass produce the batteries. Oh, and in case I forget to mention it, these things are made of cheap and easy to get a hold of materials. Isn't science cool?

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Okay, I finally had a chance to see the new Transformers movie on Sunday, and I must say, I loved it. I loved the whole setup for the movie, the action, the silly stuff that happened, (please speak clearly into the phone or I can not help you). This is what a summer movie is about, just plain fun. Also keep in mind, this is the first time in almost 17 years that there has been a live action robot movie, (see Robot Jox). I enjoyed the movie and my wife enjoyed it as well. Now I can't wait for the DVD and watch the Transformation sequinces in slow motion over and over again :).

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Transformer's Theme

Okay, a rock group called Blacklab decided to remake the original Transformers theme song form the 1986 movie. Drop Unicron and put in Megatron and tada, you have a new song. Song's okay, but but the clips are cool. I can see redoing the music video with better scenes after the movie is released.

Anyway, here's the New Transformer's Theme Song

And the Original Song, to the movie credits


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Plastic, heal thyself

Surfing around on the net, and this artical caught my eye. A polymer, (plastic to us layman's) that is able to fix or heal it self. The way this work is by having an underlining layer of vessels that have the healing liquid in them. So if an area was damaged the liquid is released and the healing process begins similar to our own skin. This has very far reaching quality's to it. imagine cars fixing dents and scratches, planes fixing holes in the wing, the shuttle able to fix it's own thermal coating, or even a house that is able to fix it's own walls when you punch a hole in it :). The application to everyday us may be several years off, but the implications are mind boggling. Just think, next time you cut your favorite pair of jeans or shirt, it could fix it self.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The WhiteStar

Your dreams of electric sheep... I mean cars, are closer at hand than you believe. The Tesla corporation, (the one bringing you the electric sports car) have bought land are beginning construction of a new plant in Albuquerque New Mexico. This plant will start production in 2009 of the Whitestar, the sedan electric car. The price on it though it still steep, around 50 to 70 thousand dollars for this all electric car. It may be expensive but I'm looking forward to this car coming out, maybe it will get the other automakers to realize that people want to drive a car that doesn't cost a C-note to fill up. Keep your eyes and ear open, and I'll let you know more details about the Whitestar as they come out.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Starcraft II

After many a long year since it's first release back in 1998, Starcraft finally has a sequel, Starcraft II. The announcement was made this weekend in Korea and the net is singing it's praise... well the geeks are anyway :). I loved the first Starcraft games, and the Broodwar expansion as well. Now I have to go back and play them again the get familiar with the story line. Till the game hits the shelves I shall chant, My Life for Auir!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Full Length Trailer of Transformers the Movie

The finally trailer before the Transformer move comes out July 4. Enjoy



Monday, May 14, 2007


It's offical, season four is the last season of Battlestar Galatica. Man this really bites, the show is gritty, real, hard core scifi. You just got to love it. In case you've been living under a rock, I'm not talking about the orginal Battlestar Galatica that came out in the 70-80's. This one is the SciFi Channel series that takes the whole story and sits it on it's ear.

The Cylons have been missing for 40 years, no one know what has happened to them. Then one day they come back. They destroy all 12 planets that the humans live on, and the only ones to escape are about 50,000 people in a large number of civillian ships with one old and partial retired Battlestar to protect them, the Galatica. This is the story of how a small group of humans tries to fight off the Cylons and make it's way to a mythical planet called Earth that supposedly is the 13th Colony.

The story is amazing, with a ton of intrigue back flips and a few somersaults as well :). The camera work takes some getting used to but once you do, it gives it that touch of realism, kinda of like a camera crew is actually following everything around as it really happens.

I will be sad to see it go, but I definitely want to watch the series again and again, and you should as well. Check out BattleStar Galatica on the SciFi channel Friday nights and let me know what you think.

Happy Birthday Isabella

I have this other woman in my life... I'm not sure if my wife knows about her, but she just recently had a birthday Wednesday, and she looks just amazing. She'll knock your socks off when she gives you a smile, and will blow you away when she laughs. And the best part is when she lights up when I come in the door.

Happy First birthday Isabella Daddy loves you.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Ah the Classics

This weekend ABC Family was showing 2 classics.... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's 1 and 2. Yeah, yeah, I know not really classics, but hey, these movies are over 15 years old and should be considered as much. Watching them again was kinda nostalgia of when I used to watch this stuff all the time. And for the time, the effects where pretty neat, all though compared to now days the fight sequences seemed slow, I guess I'm just used to Jackie Chan's fast fist not :). If anyone feels like taking a trip down memory lane, check out these two movies, (the third one was no where near as good) and let me know what you think. Next week, Transformers the 1986 movie :).

Friday, April 27, 2007

Kid at Heart

I know I'm a kid at heart, I still like to look through the toy isle at Walmart and such, but this new line of transformers toys has me excited. He may not be the same old Optimus Prime that everyone is used to but he still looks cool. Check him out a Hasbro's redesigned website. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Transformers "Prime Speaks Update"

Friday I posted a link to the clip from the new Transformers movie that shows Optimus Prime speaking, (yep he's got lips and all) Now Paramount has requested that Youtube and other sites that had the clip posted take it down. I just wanted to let everyone know that it's no longer.... on those sites. But it can be found, just leave me a comment with your email address and I'll let you know how :).

All Games are not Evil

To everyone who blames video games for all the world problems, here's a company that is helping someone else. Check out the article here

Friday, April 13, 2007

Optimus Prime Speaks!

I'm an uber Transformer geek, so I think this just freaking rocks, Optimus Prime Speaks!!! (aka Petter Cullen is the voice of Prime)

This is an unfinished TV clip, but you can see some pretty good CGI work in some of the shots.



Saturday, April 07, 2007

Getting the Facts Straight

Do to some information that has come to me, I've learned that some of post about Argo happenings are incorrect. So until I get the correct information that I need. I'm taking down the post for now.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Argo Happenings

I know I have not been keeping everyone up to date with what's going on in the Argo vs Springville rumble. So I'll point you over to my wife's site. She's alot better at summing these things up and writing about it.

Whenever there is an update about Argo and Sprinville I'll post the link here that points you too it.

Transformers the Movie

I'm getting more and more excited as I see more pictures from the new Transformers movie that's coming out this July. I don't care what anyone says, I believe this movie will be awesome. Check out some of these pics and let me know what you think.


Optimus Prime



Roll Out!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back from the Dead.... Sorta

Well time for a little update. I know I don't do this as much as I should but I have an excuse for last week. I got the ever fun loving flu, oh yeah the temps over 100 degrees, the coughing, sore everything. Yeah, it was fun, I must say though, I'm glade it's gone and over with, and hopefully did not spread it to my wife or child. The fun part now is the sinus drainage and stopped up noise. All though I do believe I have found a way to solve all of our fuel problems.... mucus. Now hear me out, there are probably thousands of tons of mucus thrown away into tissues, sleeves, hankies, and anywhere else. Now if we could take all that and collect it into one location with a little refining you can burn the carbon out of it thus have a renewable fuel source.... Just think, every sneeze could get you another mile down the road.

Monday, March 12, 2007

So Long Old Blue

We'll I finally got around to taking down the WildBlue Satellite dish outside our house. We now use DSL to get online, which turns out to be cheaper than what we had before. I will say this though Wildblue Internet was good while it lasted, it was hardly down. Only when the Dish network went out did the internet, but I must say the upload speeds where slow. So good by old blue, you served us well.

Since the equipment is bought and paid for, I'm going to be putting it up for sale for about $60 plus shipping and handling. email me at subject wildblue for more info.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Spiderman III

On a lighter note, this is the new preview that showed on last night during Hero's. Enjoy, and look for the split second image of Venom at the end.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Transformers The Movie!!!

Okay I know I'm late in saying this, but the full blown trailer for the new Transformer's movie is online. There is also a Japanese trailer online that has a little more footage of the humans and transformers located Here. This is a movie that I have been looking forward to being made ever since the CGI tech reached the level of Lord of the Rings. I can't wait to see it, and I plan on being one of the first in line to see it opening weekend, no mater how many people are there. So see you at the movies this summer. It looks like it's going to be a good one.