Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Rules of the Road

I’ve been wondering recently about the way people drive. Does anyone pay attention in Driver’s Ed anymore, or do they even read the hand book on how to drive before you take the test? Honestly, I am suppressed that more people are not killed each day because of bad driving habits. Just to show you what I mean, here’s a list of “Bad Driving Manners”

  1. Reading, writing, putting on make up, shaving, putting in CONTACT LENS!!!, and folding cloths (yes this one I’ve really seen) while driving are big, in your face, things that you shouldn’t do unless you want to die that morning.
  2. Not watching the car in front of you… or the car in front of them. One thing I do when driving is watch the car in front of me and the one in front of that one. This will give you a better idea of what’s going on and how to avoid hitting the idiot in front of you that slams on their brakes at the last second.
  3. Emergency Lanes are for EMERGENCY ONLY! This does not mean that when traffic backs up you zip over and drive down the emergency lane the last mile to your exit or what not. If I catch you doing this I have no problem pulling my car over in front of you just to check all the fluid levels in my engine.
  4. Smokers: do NOT throw your butts out the car window onto the road that is called LITTERING. All though I’ve considered bringing a cup of water with me and when I see this happen, throw the water out the window at the smoker’s car… to put out the cigarette that is.
  5. Motorcycle riders all of these rules apply to you as well. I especially hate it when you think that you can zip in between stopped cars to get out of a jam, or you’re so important that you can go around cars in the emergency lane as well. Again, I have no problem pulling over and checking my car in front of you, and keep in mind, I have steel around me, and you have clothing… guess which one is stronger.
  6. Wrecks happen, that does not mean you should stop and see what’s going on, look for blood or hope you see a dead body. Get your butt out of the way and keep moving, if you want to see a wreck watch the news at night they will show you all the destruction you could ever want.
  7. Finally, they post the speed limit on the side of the road so you can go that speed. Not 20 miles over or 20 under, just try to keep the speed limit and we can all get home or to work in a reasonable amount of time and in one piece.

Now if we can all follow these few simple rules, and use common sense, I may not have to get the 6 foot metal spike for the front of my car so I can ram it up the rear end of yours. Drive Safely.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Sanctuary Complete

Well, I’ve completed the room in the basement this week. My Dad helped me lay the carpet and put in the base boards, so the only thing left is to start moving things in. I don’t want to pat myself on the back, but for someone who has never built a room before, I think I did an okay job of it. Looking at it now, the room itself is actually the biggest room in the house in square feet, and it just looks freaking cool. So this weekend I plan on moving some of my stuff, like the computer and bookshelf, down there. So within the next week or so I plan on having everything moved out of the soon to be nursery and get that room setup. Basically that means cleaning the carpet in the soon to be nursery, painting the room, and getting furniture to put into it. Either way I am glad that one project is finished, but I’m looking forward to another one. Just think, in a few months we will have our baby little girl in her very own room of the house. I think the fact that we are having a baby is starting to set in, I can’t wait to have our own daughter to raise and watch grow. I know there is hard work and sacrifice involved, but, in my opinion it’s worth it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Carlos Mencia

All right for everyone that missed it, Carlos Mencia was at the Comedy Club Stardome over the weekend. He's the comedian from Mind of Mencia on Comedy Central. The guy is freaking hillarious!!! He's one of those few no hold's bar, I'll ripe everyone a new one, comedian. Listening to him go through his routin gives you a better understanding of him and how he views the world. He's a very fair man and believes that everyone should be treated the same way, white, black, hispanic, chinese, handicap, everyone should be treated the same way.... which is the way YOU want to be treated. I think most people have heard of this, it's something called the "Golden Rule" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Makes sense in alot of things. So try this today, treat someone the way you want to be treated, fair and just, no matter who they are.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Welcome to the New Year

Welcome to the new year everyone, with all these new and amazing things to look forward to in the new year. Here's a few headlines for everyone to get excited about the new year.

Abermoff plea jolts lobbyists, lawmakers

Bush lobbies for Patriot Act at Pentagon

Windows flaw could let attacker take control of computer

Spying, the Constitution - and the "I-word"

......... eh, yeah, right.
Okay everyone here's to hoping and praying that we don't blow ourselves up this year!