I was reading this article from Wired, and the only thing I have to say is... there goes the neighborhood. All right some of the scenarios in this article do sound kind of far fetched (the IRS in WOW or EQ now that's scary!) but it does raise an interesting point, what are the boundaries between real and virtual? The boundaries are pretty obvious to everyone at the moment, but in the years to come more and more people will be getting online to buy, sell, trade, even in a sense live. Eventually it will come to the point where all this is done with a virtual presence, think SIMS where you design your online self. These questions need to be discussed now so we will know how much control (if any) the real world government will have in the virtual world. Or perhaps we should have a virtual government elected from people online, now that would be cool. Hmm I wonder if I should run for virtual president then?
As always I’m open to comments and thanks for reading.
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